The University of Cambridge continue a happy relationship with Hobarts


University of Cambridge


Hobarts are extremely pleased to continue working with the prestigious University of Cambridge and the Department of Architecture. Helping to accommodate the University with two brand new laser cutters.



2x VLS6.60 50 Watt Laser Cutter


The University of Cambridge purchased 2x VLS6.60 – 50 watt laser cutters from Hobarts 3 years ago which have proved invaluable to the Faculty of Architecture & History of Art Department, constantly being used on a daily basis. So much so the University have replaced these lasers with two brand new VLS6.60 – 50 watt lasers, to help cope with the high demands of the students.


Plus AD Oracle iQ Extraction Systems


The Department of Architecture (in the University of Cambridge) has again purchased two VLS6.60 – 50 Watt Universal Lasers Systems’ laser cutters with dedicated dust extractors from Hobarts. The previous machines were used extensively by undergraduates, graduates and researchers and had given the Department many hours of interrupted use. The machines have proven so popular and reliable with all of the users that there are insufficient hours in the day. If space and funds were unlimited, the Department would be more than happy to acquire additional and possibly larger devices.

Coupled with the excellent levels of service and support and the friendly relationship that has developed, the Department did not hesitate in renewing the relationship with Hobarts.

Stan Finney – Computer Officer


Hobarts are delighted to continue a close working relationship with the University and wish them well with their new laser cutters.



For more information on the VLS6.60 – Click Here