
Hobarts sell advanced machinery to education, industry and government. Our educational customers are schools, colleges and universities throughout the UK and on mainland Europe. Our industrial customers range from small engraving shops to truly global companies. See Our Customers
We are the UK’s leading distributor of Universal Laser Systems range of lasers with around 750 systems installed and supported throughout the UK. Increasingly, customers are looking for solutions for their material processing needs. We have gained vast experience working with unusual or exotic materials and more of our work is that of a solutions provider rather than just a provider of systems.
We have gained a great deal of expertise in the field of dust and fume extraction. Working with our partner BOFA International, we developed some truly world class fume extraction systems. Uniquely in our field, our main systems are supplied with VOC monitoring equipment. We absorb this extra cost but do so because we believe that if technology exists that benefits the health and safety of staff and students it should be utilised.
Hobarts ships out tons of laser-friendly materials every week to every conceivable education and industry sector.

Standard materials
Our range of standard materials for laser processing continues to grow and we ensure that all wood products come from sustainable resources. (see Product Information for more detail on sustainability). We source materials from all over the world but, wherever possible, we try to favour UK manufactured products such as Perspex acrylic and Hobarts own acrylic.
Exotic materials
We have gained good expertise working with a number of different advanced materials and how they react when laser cut. Increasingly, this knowledge is being used to help advise our customers how best to process these materials and to advise which machinery they should be buying. Our current database contains over 200 products manufactured by global companies such as 3M, Dupont, Melinex, ProTek etc.
Hobarts started its manufacturing operation in 1996 and continues to manufacture acrylic sheet and blocks for laser processing and also acrylic products for many industrial sectors.
This year, we have set up a bureau service offering to process or manufacture customers’ work. It might be a prototype or it might be an initial production run of a new product. We have many customers in the early stages of setting up their business and need help realising their product before investing in their own machinery.
We are passionate about UK manufacturing and keenly support schemes providing bursaries to students who want to follow a career path in product design and manufacture.
In 2017, we celebrated our 21st anniversary as manufacturers.
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