Hobarts install their first laser cutter in Gibraltar at Prior Park School


Prior Park Gibraltar


Hobarts have had the pleasure of working and supplying two Universal lasers to Prior Park College in Bath over the last 3 years. So when the time came for Prior Park Gibraltar (another school within the Prior Park family) to invest in a new laser cutter Hobarts were the first choice.


Prior Park Gibraltar is a new school with a thriving community operating on the former Sacred Heart campus in the Old Town, high above the noise of the city. They currently have pupils in years 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. The 6th Form (years 12 and 13) recently opened for the first time in September 2018 for A Level provision.


Prior Park is a modern Christian Catholic school that follows the English exam system of GCSE and A level.


Prior Park College had previously purchased the Universal PLS6.15D laser cutter from Hobarts and had been extremely happy with the way it performed. So the organisation was keen to purchase another PLS model. After careful consideration the school choose the PLS6.75 – 50 Watt Laser. With a fantastic processing area (610 x 457) and the ability to cut up to 9mm thick material, this machine brings a wealth of versatility that we are sure the students will find exciting as they start a range of new projects.


Prior Park Install


We were pleased to receive this great testimonial from the client:


We purchased our order from Hobarts and had fantastic service from the ordering stage to the setup of the printer. We have had great guidance from the technician, who quickly brought us up to speed on the usage and maintenance of the laser cutter. The laser cutter is now a brilliant part of the technology maker space at our school and has been very easy to use and operate by the teachers and the students. We are eagerly ordering new materials and exploring more venues with the laser cutter.

Chris McAuliffe – IT/CS Teacher


For more information on the PLS6.75 laser cutter – Click Here


To contact Hobarts please Click Here


For more information on Prior Park Gibraltar – Click Here